- "Down to Earth" at Rust + Moth
- "Blades" at Moist
- "Sgr A*" at The Inflectionist Review
- "Tracks" at Rattle*
- "Pikachu as Van Gogh with Grey Felt Hat" at Okay Donkey
- "Just Horses" at Dissident Voice
- "It Wasn't Bliss" at The Ekphrastic Review
- "Votive" at Rise Up Review
- Two poems at Roanoke Review
- "The Man on TV " at ballast
- Two poems at HAD
- "The Rowboat " at The Dodge
- "The Devotions " at Bear Review
- "Kindergarten" at One Art
- "Rust and Sweat " at The Shore
- "A Neptune Year" at Whale Road Review
- "Tusk" at Jet Fuel Review
- "Moon Dirt" at Split Rock Review * + plus spotlight feature
- "Another Farewell" at Another Chicago Magazine
- "Godwit" at Under a Warm Green Linden *